Why? The overwhelming amount of things to create or do that I have pinned, and the underwhelming number of projects I have tackled. No- I don't feel alone. Everyone I know is on Pinterest. Everyone I know is in the same boat. Because the people I know, my real life friends, all have lives- 99% of them work and if they don't have children, well they will soon!
So what is a girl to do? I work, but I'm kidless. This should be prime pinning time. So I'm taking a stand and stating it for the world to hear- I'm committing to projects. With no idea how time consuming this may or may not be, I want to start easy. Or at least start with what I think is easy. I'm committing to 1 Pinterest project per week. Whether it's a recipe, or some sort of decoration, or heck- cleaning the shower head, I, Leslie, will take the plunge and go all in on Pinterest.
And then I will create ANOTHER board, just for completed projects- I'm a visual person.
PS- Total side note, but how great are the secret boards they started on Pinterest? HELLO- where were these a year ago?? I can now actually pin gifts for people without them seeing...whoop whoop!
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