Saturday, May 16, 2009

Kicking Butt and Taking Names!

Spent last weekend (Mother's Day Weekend) at Walt Disney World in Orlando. We don't live very far from there, less than a hour, so it's not that big of a trip for us. We stayed at the Contemporary Resort (I love the room and proximity to the Magic Kingdom) and spent Saturday at Animal Kingdom (10pm-11pm we hopped over to Magic Kingdom-rode 4 rides) and then we spent Sunday at Magic Kingdom again with our fam.

Primary reason was for the trip was the Danskin SheRox Triathlon I competed in. I love these races and highly recommend them to anyone, no matter your athletic ability, shape, size, or age. They are women-only events and they raise money for Susan G. Komen's Breast Cancer charity. I met women of all ages, from California, Wisconsin, South Carolina...And all ages! I met one women competing- 75 years old! I couldn't believe it. So when people say "Wow I can't believe you do those races!", I encourage them to bring out the inner-triathlete in them. Over 2000 women were registered. All these kids were there with signs saying "My Mom Rox!". I always get emotional, like "that's so sweet" emotional when I see that stuff. Jut like when I cry during "Extreme Home Makeover".

There is another event in Miami in a few weeks with the same race series, but I think the hubby needs a break from dragging my bike all over creation, waking up at 5:30am on a weekend, etc. The website is

Side note- I heart RueLala. Got my Lilly Pulitzer green seer sucker skirt in the mail today. Sure enough, the retail price wa $148 and I to it for $48!

Side note x 2- Getting psyched for my girl trip with my college roommate to Europe next month! June 19th marks my arrival in Switzerland! Sooo excited!!!

auf Wiedersehen!


Hilary said...

Thanks for the info about the triathalon. A friend of mine did the disney one as well and LOVED it. I am training for a marathon right now, but after its over a triathalon might be on the horizon.

PS what's ruelala? Help a fellow preppy score some disocuted Lily please?

Hilary said...

Oops I meant discounted!