Sunday, December 2, 2012

Festive Fitness Time!

I'm Baaaaccckkk!

It's my favorite time of the year- holiday time- and I've made a few changes and commitments lately to my fitness regime.

On November 10th, my friend and I ran in the Disney Wine and Dine Half Marathon. It was AWESOME. I highly recommend runDisney events. So entertaining, and as well run as they can be for the number of participants- and of course Disney World at this time of year is pretty outstanding. We ran through Hollywood Studios around miles 9-11 and the streets were lit up every inch with Christmas lights in some areas- honestly one of the coolest displays I have ever seen, probably THE coolest.

So I've digressed (typical). After about a year of quietly following the team, I have finally jumped on board the Tone It Up team's health and fitness plan. Karena and Katrina of Tone It Up run a highly successful blog turned empire that is connected with Self Magazine and Jane Fonda, among others. They provide weekly high quality workouts, recipes, inspiration, etc. Joining the team is a $150 commitment, but after a year of quietly following behind the scenes, I really felt like the commitment was worth it. You get exclusive access to their online community, more involvement from the team, a comprehensive diet and workout plan, and quarterly updates...though I feel it's much more. I did my first shopping trip this weekend for the plan, so this week I plan to ease myself into it. Of course I travel for work tomorrow- way to kick things off with AWESOME timing :) . (That sentence was dripping with sarcasm)

Additionally, I have decided to participate in the Elf for Health Holiday Challenge. You can learn more about the challenge at It's cute- you are given an "Elf" (ie buddy) and you rotate Elf's several times over the 6 week challenge. Every day is a different challenge- some physical, some diet related, and some just good for you in general. Yesterday's challenge was to clean out your closet and donate the clothes to charity. Honestly, the challenges could be used at any time of the are the 1st 7 days of December. Head on over and join!!

Wish me luck with my challenges! I'll keep y'all updated on how I do!

Saturday, December 1
 Clean out your closet! Fill a bag with clothes to donate to Goodwill
Monday, December 3
 Do you know much fiber do you eat? Track your fiber intake today! You should be getting about 14 grams per every 1,000 calories consumed
Tuesday, December 4
 Have a salad today and make your own dressing!
Wednesday, December 5
 Pack a healthy snack- and pack extra to share with a friend!
Thursday, December 6
 Let's lift weights! Try an exercise you've never done before!
Friday, December 7
 Go makeup-free today!

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